Positive Vibes Care Package Giveaway

Today the Thrifty Style Team girls are each hosting a GIVEAWAY! We want to encourage and lift your spirits during this crazy season of life! Keep reading for all the info and to find out how to win one of these fabulous care packages ❤📦
care package items
Affiliate links may be included for your convenience. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. My full disclosure policy can be found here. 

How are you doing friend? Really?

We are living in stressful times aren't we? There are so many difficult decisions that need to be made, we are all tired of social distancing and wearing masks and not being able to travel to visit family and loved ones.

Sharing some love

I don't know what your particular stresses are right now. But the Thrifty Style Team girls got together and decided that rather than sharing a normal home decor post this month, we'd do something a little bit different. 

We want to share some love with you! ❤

thrifty style team logo

We want to lift your spirits! 

Each one of us has put together a Care Package Giveaway. They're all different. Some have essential items that you may be struggling to get your hands on. Some may have recipe cards and ideas for creating your own health products. You are invited to enter each giveaway! I'll be sharing the links a little further down.

Positive Vibes Care Package

I put together a Positive Vibes care package, intended to bring JOY to one of you! It's a combination of items that make me smile, and I hope it will do the same for you!

fall care package

It's filled with happy colors, a little something sweet, a little something to pamper yourself with.

candy, water bottle, fall decor

I added a beautiful water bottle to remind you to be GRATEFUL because no matter how hard life gets, there are blessings along the way, aren't there? Some of us may have to look a little harder, but they are there.

velvet pumpkin

And with Fall just around the corner, there's a little touch of fall in this care package. There's a soft velvet pumpkin in a pretty champagne color. There's a cute washable face mask in fall colors because if we have to wear them, they may as well be cute, right?

There's also a yummy candle that I forgot to include with these pictures! But I promise to put it in the box!!

How to Enter Giveaway

*Leave me a comment below telling me one thing that you are grateful for today* It can be as simple as "My coffee was extra yummy". 😍 Please remember to include your email address in your comment so I can notify you if you win! You can do this even if you comment Anonymous.

Bonus Entries: Follow me on Instagram, FB, Pinterest and YouTube (one bonus entry for each follow!) Make sure to come back here and let me know how you followed!

Giveaway rules: Open to US residents 18 and older only.
Giveaway will end on August 21 at midnight.
I will notify the winner by email on August 22.

Please feel free to share this giveaway with a friend who could use some encouragement! As always, Pinning is greatly appreciated!

grateful care package giveaway

More Thrifty Style Team Care Package Giveaways to Enter

I promised you more giveaways and the links are below! Click on the link to be taken to the individual giveaways and then follow the entry instructions. Good luck! Here's a little peek...

thrifty style team giveaways

Redhead Can Decorate - Pandemic Fall Care Package Giveaway

Cottage at the Crossroads - Finding Joy Care Package Giveaway

Postcards From the Ridge - Cozy Home Care Package

DIY Beautify - you are here 😊

bringing beauty to the ordinary, 


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  1. Thank U 4 this wonderful giveaway opportunity.
    I am grateful for my health, my family & my dear friends.
    I follow you on Instagram, FB, Pinterest & U-Tube
    (I am also over 18)

  2. I am thankful for my 81 yr old Mother visiting me this week 😍

  3. I am grateful for thunderstorms, coffee and a cozy blanket in the a/c!

  4. I am grateful for the health and well being of my family. That together we will survive this with God's grace.

  5. I'm so thankful for Jesus (I couldn't do life without Him), my family and my job!

  6. I'm grateful for my four month old daughter, who's little sleeping self is right next to me right now. She is so sweet!


  7. Followed on Pinterest, YouTube, and insta


  8. Today i am grateful, not only for my coffee ;), but for your wonderfully colorful giveaway! such fun and bright items! LOVE THEM! <3 whoever gets it, i'm sure will be thrilled! thank you for the chance!!

  9. I'm grateful that my husband chose to retire rather than return to work too early and is sitting here with me.
    Thanks for the giveaway,

  10. I am grateful for my family and how they are taking the reigns while I try to recover from covid :-( I have followed you on FB, Instagram, Pinterest and YT.

    Stay Safe

  11. I am grateful for being able to just enjoy the simple things and have a positive attitude. :)

  12. I am thankful for my family & the blessings that God continues to bestow upon us during these unsure times! Thanks for this awesome giveaway 😊

  13. I am Thankful for still having my foot after reconstructive surgery 8.5 months ago. It has been hard still not able to walk yet with more healing. But glad to be around.

  14. I am grateful for my cozy home with a roof above my head, the ability to stay here and work from home during these crazy times...and my 16 year old dog by my side daily. I followed you on FB and Pinterest. Also grateful for all the bloggers who share their talents to assist us to make our homes beautiful! maggie.disanto@yahoo.com

  15. Grateful to be healthy and have my family safe too

  16. I am thankful today that I am recovering from colon cancer surgery that I had last Friday. Following on FB, Pinterest, newsletter and YouTube.

  17. I'm so thankful that I had a visit with my daughters and grandchildren yesterday!!!! That visit will brighten my days for quite a while! hrmarino61@gmail.com

  18. I am just Thankful to be alive this beautiful day in the Ozarks! And Thank you all for your generosity!

  19. Following on all of them! Thanks again!

  20. I'm grateful for the time, talent, and dedication you provide on your site. Your creativity inspires me! Heartfelt thanks.

    Also, subscribed on Insta, Pinterest, & YouTube.

  21. I am thankful for God’s constant provision in our lives. I am thankful for my husband, family, friends, church and our dog Annie. Too many blessings to count actually.

  22. I am grateful for my family, animals and being able to work remote. I know I am very lucky.

  23. What a wonderful giveaway. I'm thankful for the vegetables from my CSA. Beautiful potatoes, radishes, onions peppers tomatoes.

  24. I follow you on FB, IG, email and you-tube. bevebersole@comcast.net

  25. I'm following on IG (@amymadduxcooley)

  26. I'm grateful for so many things but I'm especially grateful for a nice, safe place to live while I have to be home so much right now.

  27. I am so grateful for my family.

  28. I'm so grateful for my friends and family who have been a wonderful support system throughout these unprecedented times. Thank you for the giveaway! :) kimrosaleo [at] gmail [dot] com

  29. IM THANKFUL FOR MY FAMILY!! Krazycatlady222@gmail.com

  30. I am so thankful for great neighbors who care enough to ask how each other is doing. I'm sure they would step right up to help out in any emergency.
    duchick at gmail dot com

  31. I am grateful for my health & family. I follow you on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. mdiva00@gmail.com

  32. I'm thankful for the heavy rain we got this afternoon😊

  33. I am grateful for two healthy grandchildren who love to come visit.

  34. Hi! Im grateful for my amazing family and always being patient and loving with the chronic incurable illness I have. Wasn't supposed to make it to 40 and I celebrated my 49th in June! Thanks for doing this, great idea. tinabrehm29@yahoo.com

  35. Yesterday a group from my church came and mowed my grass for us as we have been under the weather these last few weeks. What a blessing! Thanks for doing this!

  36. I'm grateful its peach season! And of course giveaways! I follow you on IG and YouTube.

  37. I am grateful for my family! My oldest son surprised me recently by visiting my unexpectedly! I was so thrilled to see him!

  38. I am grateful to live in the country on the "rivah".. My view is so peaceful that it helps me escape reality. Thank you for this opportunity!

  39. I am grateful for my health....being a cancer survivor makes you appreciate each day differently. I'd love the water bottle!

  40. I am so thankful for my good health and that of my husband and close friends, all who are elderly and therefore very susceptible to this horrible sickness. My heart goes out to all of those who have lost loved ones. EVERYONE, TRY TO STAY SAFE!

  41. Today I am grateful for my smiling, creative, and loving 5-year-old daughter. She's the light in my life.


  42. I am thankful for another day of enjoying life!

  43. I am so grateful today for my productive garden. The weather cooperated this year and we don't have tomato blight or white powdery mildew on all of the vining plants. It has given me a sense of security to have food to put up for the winter months.

  44. I follow on Instagram as @upstatemissy

  45. I follow on Facebook as Melissa Storms

  46. I follow on Pinterest as Melissa Storms (stormymis)

  47. I follow on Youtube as upstatemissy. Thank you so much for the chance to win this wonderful positive vibes care package!!

  48. I am grateful for so many things. I know my God loves me--even when I mess up. He has given me a wonderful and caring family. We have plenty of food. And I am grateful for thoughtful people who do Giveaways during trying times. Thank you!

  49. I am thankful for my health! Wishing you all health during this pandemic!!

  50. I am thankful neither I nor anyone in my family has Covid 19.
    digicats {at} sbcglobal {dot} net

  51. I follow you on Instagram as @Cezovski9
    digicats {at} sbcglobal {dot} net

  52. I follow you on Facebook as Carolsue Anderson
    digicats {at} sbcglobal {dot} net

  53. I follow you on Pinterest as @Cezovski9
    digicats {at} sbcglobal {dot} net

  54. I follow you on You Tube as Carol Ezovski
    digicats {at} sbcglobal {dot} net

  55. I am grateful my amazing husband is still alive. I follow you all over the place.🤓

  56. Thank you for this giveaway. I am grateful for life and all its many blessings!!

  57. I'm thankful to have my own home.

  58. I followed on IG, FB, Pinterest and newsletter

  59. We did good, Cindy! Thank you so much for joining in and being so generous! XO

  60. Hi there- today I discovered some pigeons had built a nest in an old drawer I have outside under cover- there are the 2 parents and a chick, and also a nest with eggs. The whole family lives here! It is wonderful to know they have chosen my home as shelter.

  61. I'm thankful everyone in my family is healthy and still employed.

  62. Today, I am grateful we haven't gone back to school yet.

  63. I'm thankful for my husband! He keeps us (my children and I) all going while being safe during his working hours.

  64. I'm following you on all platforms!

  65. I am most grateful for my children as they are always the brightest doses of sunshine each and every day.

  66. follow you on pinterest as elizabeth miller or /lyzabeth1970

  67. well especially with everything going on right now i am greatful my family is healthy.

  68. i am following you on youtube. this is my page : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf4__Xy0UAD_AKW1RWXXBYg

  69. Started following you on FB, IG and Pinterest. Love your style!

  70. Grateful for the health of my family! :)


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