Amazing Home Decor Bloggers that Inspire

Sharing a few home decor and DIY bloggers today that are so inspiring! You will love their fun projects 😍
blush pink peonies

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Good morning friend! I hope you're hanging in there as we enter another month where our lives as we knew them are completely changed! Don't give up on hope! It feels like it's never going to end, but it will! We are making history!

Being stuck inside doesn't have to be boring! I know that more and more of us are spending time online, looking for inspiration and encouragement. Maybe we're tackling home projects that we finally have time for, or just looking for some fresh inspiration. Thankfully we can still shop online and safely purchase items that we need for home projects!

Today I'm excited to share some Home Decor Bloggers that you may not have met before! If they're new to you, I encourage you to click over to their blogs (click their blog name) and get to know a little more about them! I know you'll be inspired, and you just may find a new project to start today!

eucalyptus line drawing

Sara of Twelve on Main

Twelve on Main blog collage

Sara and her husband are raising 4 kids (and a dog) in a small rural town. She is passionate about all things home related and shares DIY projects, family recipes, small farm tips and more on her site.

Here are some of her favorite projects:

eucalyptus line drawing

Christina at Thermaland Oaks

Thermaland Oaks blog collage
Christina describes herself as a Farmgirl, Crazy Goat Lady & Builder who took to learning how to homestead from the ground up, along with her husband. They have created a modern homestead through their passion and love for a more pure and holistic lifestyle and hope they can help you build yours.

Some of her favorite projects:

eucalyptus line drawing

Kim of Exquisitely Unremarkable

Exquisitely Unremarkable blog collage

Kim is a homebody and crafty girl who loves making her surroundings beautiful. Her blog is her way to empower others to do the same, even if they don't think they're crafty.

Here are some of Kim's favorite projects:

eucalyptus line drawing

April of Love our Real Life

Love our Real Life blog collage

April is a mom of two teens, a wife and speech pathologist. She loves home projects and organization and her mission is to help you find ways to create a home you love and appreciate your home instead of focusing on the negatives.

Some of her favorite projects:

eucalyptus line drawing

Laura of Laura Stewart Blog

Laura Stewart Blog collage

Laura and her husband and daughter left city life for a small farm in the heart of Texas. She's learning to homestead, and sharing her adventures with the rest of us! Whether it's raising chickens, restoring an old farmhouse or canning fresh produce, Laura is embracing a simpler way of life! She has so much to share!

eucalyptus line drawing

Michelle of Our Crafty Mom

Our Crafty Mom blog collage
Michelle loves to blog about all things home and does it all on a budget! Her dad is her personal 'American Picker' and her two grown kids inspired her blog name. You'll find crafts, DIYs and recipes.

Michelle's favorite projects:

I hope you show these talented ladies some love and check out their blogs! As a blogger myself, I know how much effort, time and more goes into creating these free posts for you to enjoy! We have to learn photography, editing, staging, writing, not to mention all the actual work that goes into each project! I know these gals feel as I do, that sharing our projects is a way to bless others as well as ourselves! If you have a favorite home decor blogger who inspires you, I know we'd all love to know who it is so we can check them out for ourselves! Leave a comment below.

So here's to your next project! 🍷🍷 I would LOVE to know what you're working on! And if you're stumped with a project detail, or need help, please don't hesitate to ask! I'd love to help you problem solve and find a solution!

Let me leave you with this. Stay hopeful friend!

encouraging words

bringing beauty to the ordinary, 


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  1. Thank you for lovely introduction, Cindy! It's an honor to be included among so many talented ladies. Stay safe in your beautiful home...

    1. Kim, you are so welcome!! So fun to share others talent ❤

  2. I so appreciate being included with all of this talent. Looking forward to following your blog more in the future!

  3. Hi Cindy, I am coming over to visit from Kim's blog Exquisitely Unremarkable. I am now following you on Pinterest and Instagram. It's such an awesome way to meet more bloggers and I love your creativity. Take care.
    Julie at Julie's Creative Lifestyle.


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