5-Minute Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

Spice up a boring salad with these easy to make spicy pumpkin seeds! They have a great crunch and are a healthy addition to your diet, whether you add them to salads or simply snack on them!
healthy salad with spicy pumpkin seeds
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Hey there friends! I'm excited to share this simple recipe idea with you today! Nuts and seeds are healthy alternatives to chips and other snacks. And they're so easy to roast at home! 

For the past several months I've been trying to eat better...you know, cut out the sugar and wheat, reduce my portion sizes and make healthier choices! Part of the reason for that was 50 was staring me in the face...but mainly it's because I haven't felt well for awhile now. Fatigue, muscle aches and strains, and just a general feeling of  'blah'. Since eating better and exercising regularly (you can find out what easy, at-home exercises I've been doing here), I've had so much more energy, my mood is better and my mind is clearer!

Did you know that fresh herbs and spices are GOOD for you? They can fight inflammation in your body and even reduce damage to your cells, according to Web MD! Nuts and seeds are also quite high in fat and calories though, so don't eat them by the fistful! But definitely sprinkle some on your salads if you haven't been doing this already...it takes the humble salad UP A NOTCH! I also sprinkle ground ginger and cinnamon in my morning coffee!!! YUM!

Adding a little spice to these tasty seeds takes them over the top! I love my salads to have a combination of salty, creamy and crunchy! It just makes my mouth happy.

I was looking online for spicy pumpkin seeds, and was kinda shocked at how pricey they are. So I did a little search for recipes and found this one by Food Network. I've made some additions to make it my own. These are SO GOOD...I've been eating them every single day! Are you ready to see how easy they are to make?

How to Make Spicy Pumpkin Seeds


Note: if you live near a Trader Joe's...I am SO JEALOUS of you! They have the best prices on spices, nuts and seeds!

spicy pumpkin seeds recipe

Preheat your oven to 375 degrees. Toss all of the ingredients together in a bowl and spread on a baking sheet. Bake 5 minutes, or until lightly browned, shaking the pan once or twice. Let cool and store in an airtight container (mason jars are perfect for this!). That is IT my friends! So easy!

favorite salad with nuts and seeds

My favorite salad, the one picture here, has nothing but healthy ingredients! It's full of protein so it actually fills me up and keeps my tummy satisfied for hours! Here's what I put in it.

My Favorite Salad
  • romaine lettuce
  • red pepper
  • celery
  • cucumber
  • crumbled goat cheese (YUM YUM!)
  • 5-6 raw walnuts or pecans
  • small handful of spicy pumpkin seeds
  • grilled chicken
  • ranch dressing
  • salt and pepper

spicy pumpkin seeds are perfect in salads

Do you enjoy a little crunch on your salads? Try these spicy pumpkin seeds...they will make you a believe, lol!

Let me know if you're looking for a fabulous chicken marinade and I'll be happy to share my simple recipe...it's the ONLY marinade I've used for years...and it is amazing on grilled steaks too!

how to make spicy pumpkin seeds

I'm thinking I may need to come up with a sweet version of these spicy pumpkin seeds! Sweet roasted seeds would be so good on my bowl of oatmeal, yogurt...even ice cream! What do you think?

bringing beauty to the ordinary,


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