New Wood Laminate Floors in the Bedrooms

We are now completely carpet-free in our home! I'm sharing why we felt the need to remove the carpet, as well as the new wood laminates from Select Surfaces that we used in all our bedrooms.

Thank you to Select Surfaces for sponsoring this post and providing product. My opinions are my own.

wood laminates in bedroom

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Hello friend and welcome back! We have been busy little beavers these last two weeks and I'm excited to show you the reveal today! We replaced all the carpet in our bedrooms with new wood laminate floors from Select Surfaces. I'm so happy that we no longer have mismatched floors in our home, just these gorgeous wood laminates and tile!

You've probably seen these floors in other areas of our home...a couple years ago we added these floors in our sun room, living room and my office and more recently we replaced the old orangey Pergo floors in the front of our home with these gorgeous floors!

Waterproof Wood Laminate Floors

The colors we used are Driftwood and Barnwood. They're the exact same shade, but the Barnwood floors are part of the new Spill Defense Collection; they are waterproof for 24 hours! This makes them really great for any area of your home! And they're available at Sam's Club for much less than you might expect! Click on the links to see all the options.

We constantly get asked about these floors...I promise you that they really do rival true hardwoods! I can say that because we had hardwood floors in another home. They cost much more than these beautiful laminates, and they weren't waterproof, which meant we were constantly reminding the kids to mop up their drips after they came in from the pool!

Why we went carpet-free in our home

cottage farmhouse master bedroom with wood laminate floors

The simple answer is health reasons. We all suffer with allergies, not just seasonally but year-round. Here in Texas we don't really have seasons anyways, it's just various versions of hot! But since moving here we have all noticed our allergies get much worse. I also have been diagnosed with an auto-immune condition, where my body is extremely sensitive to toxins. We've been doing our best to reduce the toxic overload in our home.

We have been talking for 4 years about removing all the carpet in our home, to see if it made a difference. There's something pretty gross about living with someone else's carpet. You don't know what spills and messes they made, or how often they cleaned, and all that gunk is just ground up in your carpet! I know, it sounds horrible. We know that the previous owner's dog piddled on the carpet in several rooms because when we got Millie, she headed right for those spots! I'm pretty sure all that stuff hiding in our carpets affects the air quality in our homes.

If you suffer with allergies or any auto-immune condition, you might want to think about going carpet-free in your home!

The other reason (and I'm slightly embarrassed to admit this) is that I'm a visual cleaner. That means I don't clean on a regular schedule, I clean when it looks dirty. Or when I'm taking pictures for a blog post ๐Ÿ™Š I just want to go on record and say that I didn't learn this method of cleaning from my mother!! We could literally have eaten off any floor in the homes I grew up in, they were that spotless!! 

With carpet, there's a lot that's hidden and can sit for a long time before getting cleaned. Now that we have the wood laminates, I know I'll see those fluffy dust bunnies floating by and immediately go grab the Swiffer!

So I'm excited to share the beautiful results of Mr DIY's and our son Kyle's hard work! If you follow me on Instagram, I shared the process in my stories, as well as some of the setbacks we had due to rain.

Master bedroom floors

Let's start with the Master bedroom, because you better believe that the day after these floors were done, I was getting it back to pretty! The kids' rooms are another story...that's why I'm saving the 'lesser' pictures for later in this post!

This room has come a long way from olive green walls and beach towels hanging on the french doors! You can see the before pics and all the projects we did in this space here.

Master bedroom with Barnwood laminates

Can you even?

I cannot say enough good things about these floors. The color is beautiful...warm with many variations and a little bit distressed looking.

wood laminates in bedroom

They play nicely with everything in our home, from our painted dressers to the barnwood doors that Mr DIY made. Even our dark headboard looks even more stunning with these floors! We did a little furniture shuffle when we were bringing pieces back into our room, and I like it better this way. You can see how our dressers were placed before if you click here.

wood laminates in bedroom

This picture is full of harsh shadows and I apologize. It's been dark and rainy for days and I had to use the lights, which I normally never do. However, I wanted you to see how the new floors line up with the existing floors in my office that we installed 2 years ago. Didn't the guys do a fabulous job?

wood laminates in bedroom

farmhouse style master bedroom

One thing I noticed the first night we had these floors is that they just look right. Do you know what I mean? They look like they were always meant to be here! And if you're curious about noise, these floors are very quiet. They do not make a clicking sound like our Pergo floors did. They're also nice and soft on your feet, and that says a lot because our sub-floor is concrete!

Okay, let's move on to the kids' bedrooms. Now I have to warn you, the pretty styled pictures are over haha! I asked my kids to clean their rooms so I could take photos, and this is what I got. It's actually a huge improvement on what their rooms normally look like! But they both moved furniture around after their floors were installed, and there's nothing hung on the walls yet so...just sayin ๐Ÿ˜‰ Just keep your eyes on the floors and we should be good. Oh, and I did a lot of cropping so they actually look better than they did, haha!

Daughter's bedroom with wood laminate floors

Our daughter's room has actually gone through a few transformations in the short nearly 4 years we've lived in this home! You can read about her painted bed here (mom's attempt to make a feminine French style bed look more modern). Then a couple years later, she got the bed of her dreams when Mr DIY built her a very sleek and modern platform bed for only $125! He also built her a Hollywood mirror (sorry, no tutorial) for on top of her IKEA dresser/vanity.

Abby and I painted her room this beautiful moody navy a few weeks ago, and it looks so crisp and clean...and yes, modern!

Unfortunately we don't have window coverings yet, so this picture is pretty blown out...but you're looking at the beautiful new floors, remember?!

navy walls with Barnwood laminate floors

Here's another angle that shows how well everything plays together.

modern platform bed with wood laminate floors

And you can see how Mr DIY continued the flooring right across the landing into our son's bedroom.

wood laminate floors

Son's room with wood laminate floors

And because I know you're all dying to see how a 22 year old young man decorates his bedroom, haha, here ya go...hand-me-down bed from the previous owner (totally not his style...although it's totally mine!!), and yes that's a blanket covering the elongated window.

wood laminate floors in bedroom

Kyle's years living at home are very nearly at an end ๐Ÿ˜ข but I envision a beautifully styled guest room once he leaves home ๐Ÿ˜‰ #silverlining

This last photo is so blurry but I wanted you to see just how huge these rooms are! The flooring goes from the closet all the way to the dormer!

wood laminates in bedroom

So that's a wrap. I guess I'll need to invest in multiple Swiffers with written instructions so they actually get used, lol!

It's only been a week but I'm hoping we all experience an improvement with our health now that all the carpet in the house is gone!

Hey, if you're considering wood floors...friend to friend...these will not disappoint! There are multiple colors to choose from, including several in the waterproof line, and these wood laminate floors are probably about as cheap as you'll find. I hate using the 'c' word, but it's true! Less than $2 per square foot is a bargain! But they definitely don't look cheap! They give a high end look on a tight budget! Even if you can't do your entire house at one time, work on it section by section!

And if you need to hire someone to install your new floors, I know just the guys!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

PIN this image for future reference

master bedroom with wood laminate floors

bringing beauty to the ordinary, 


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  1. Love the look. Plan to loose the carpet too even though I am the only one who has ever lived in this house.

    1. Thank you! It makes the house look so much cleaner! And now I'll spot those dust bunnies right away and clean more often ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Amazing how beautiful things look with hardwood floors. I say hardwood with this post, because your floors are so fabulous looking. They do not look like laminate flooring. We too are changing out our carpet rooms, to laminate and hardwood floors. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful rooms.

    1. Thank you! I call them wood too haha, because that's exactly what they look like! You will love getting rid of the carpet!


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